Monday, May 27, 2013

Friday in Finland


Hey there,
       Yesterday was wonderful, I absolutely had a spectacular day.  It was slightly overcast in the morning so biking was a little cool but the hills keep you warm. Besides, I enjoy an overcast day every now and then.  I got to start my trek to class by walking part of the way with Charlie, then I rode my bike.  Even though I’m not in great shape, and the seat hurts my bum I love my bicycle.  It brings me such joy.  Reminds me of my younger years.  I arrived to class early to start the exam.  I struggled with only a few things.  Most of it I could accomplished without consulting my notes.  The questions I starred because I did not have the answers I found in my notes after looking through them.  I was the second one finished and I know that is never an indicator of who does well but I did not feel rushed, I took my time and went back over it. 
            After the test we walked to the Central Finland museum where we were further informed on the history and development of Jyväskylä.  It started with only seven houses.  It’s also not a very old city, I think they said that is only 135 years old.  It was interesting and I enjoyed the exhibits.  They had the history of Jyväskylä on one floor, a floor of contemporary and landscape paintings, floor of the history of Central Finland and then finally a floor of paintings done by a Jyväskylän artist.  He painted landscape pictures of a park area in Jyväskylä during all different times of the year.  He painted outside in the sun, rain, snow and cold.  It was a nice hour or so in the museum. 
We them walked the short distance back to campus where we dispersed for lunch.  Becca, Robia and I went to the small café in the main building.  They only served cold food but I was content with the offered sandwich and coffee.  We vented for a little about out shared disgust with Lauren.  She was wearing a much too low cut shirt to be appropriate.  Becca also figured out my wifi settings on my phone so when I’m on campus I have access to the wifi.  Hurray!  The afternoon was relaxed and we reviewed the movie we watched Thursday night.  Once class was dismissed Becca and I went to the library to take advantage of the Internet.  We both had to Facebook!  She left before I did and I moseyed back to Kortepohja when I had my fill of Facebook and blogging. 
At five I rendezvoused with most of all the other international students in front of Rentukka to go the island in the middle of the lake closest to Kortepohja.  The lake was so fun!  We had to take row boats to get there.  The main attraction there is the Sauna.  The point was to swim in the chilly water, heat up in the sauna, cool off in the water and then sweat it out in the Sauna.  I fully participated.  I love swimming, the water was cold but nothing I’m not used to.  I swam quite a bit.  It was so peaceful.  The water was really smooth. Sitting in the sauna was hot but nice.  We cooked sausages and enjoyed each other company.  I really enjoyed talking to most everyone.  They made us leave before I was ready to but when you’re having fun that is usually how it goes. 
After that we played a game soccer/football.  I think I kept up pretty well for not really ever playing.  I play a quick 3v3 game with the boys, then a shower then to Luuk's room for a party.  We played Kings Cup.  It was really fun.  So fun! More to tell later. We have another trip today. 

1 comment:

  1. This is how a weekend should be spent! After a long week of school or work, we should reward ourselves with a relaxing experience. One way to de-stress is going to a sauna. The heat that makes us sweat releases the toxins in our body, which afterwards makes us feel good. Spend some amazing minutes in sauna and leave stress behind.


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Let(ter) it begin
Letter of Acceptance