Tuesday, May 21, 2013

day 2 Jyväskylä

Hello Blog Readers,

It’s the end of day two in Jyväskylä.  I arrived yesterday around 5pm.  Suvi, my student tutor/mentor picked me up from the train station then took me to the dorms.  Once I got to my room I dropped of my stuff then a while later met up with Suvi.  She showed me the student village and then we went on to the city center and campus.  It was the annual city festival.  From what Suvi said it is just a celebration that the city has every year.  People filled the streets and there were booths, vendors, street performers and festivities.  We ate a booth that was for the Friends of Japan Club, they served curry rice and a potato pancake thing.  Suvi knew of the students in the club so that’s why we ate there.  We walked the short distance to campus and she pointed out buildings for me.  Suvi then had to leave to go back to the train station to pick up another student.  So there I was alone again. 
            I stayed on campus and looked at some of the wares being sold in the booths.  I came across two older ladies selling Marimekko stuff.  Marimekko is a Finnish design company that is very famous for its prints.  I went into one of their stores in Helsinki but it was out of my price range.  This stuff was cheaper but still not cheap.  I just had to buy some stuff though because I wanted Marimekko items. 
            The Marimekko booth was just outside of the main building, something like a student union.  Students were milling around and quite a few were inside.  I followed the crowd and went inside to see what was happening.  One of the activities was a dance off.  It was awesome.  Just in the middle of the open area everyone stood around in a great big circle.  A girl had a mic and was running the thing.  There were two guys running sound equipment and music behind her.  The competition was really fun.  The first two groups to “fight” each other were two girls doing traditional African dance.  They even had some drummers as their music.  They had a lot of energy and boy, can they shake it.  The group that danced against them was a quartet of hip-hop/ballet dancers.  They dressed like nerds and did some twirling.  It was cute.  The next battle was between five girl hip-hop 80’s dancers versus one guy doing traditional Russian dancing.   Like in the movies where the guys dip down and squat then pop back up.  He did that.  It was pretty cool.  The final battle was between modern, alternate dancers.  It was weird; they laid on the ground and moved weird.  It was just weird.  The next group were like circus performers crossed with hip-hop.  They did a lot of cartwheels and then they did break dancing moves too.  The finale was between the traditional Russian guy and the circus performers.  They determined winners by measuring decibel levels of cheers.  Lots of energy and lots of fun.  I would have enjoyed it more if I knew people and had someone to talk to. 
            It was about 11pm and I decided to go back to the dorms.  I found my bike and headed off to where I thought the dorms were.  I got lost.  Luckily it was still pretty light out so I could see.  I did a lot of pedaling and wandering.  Eventually I made it back and then went to bed. 
            Aha! You may ask, “where did she get a bike?” Alas, I shall enlighten you.  I joined the Summer in ESN Facebook group it is a page for international students at Jyväskylä to connect.  They do a lot of selling of good on the page.  When students leave they can’t take everything they have acquired so they sell it to incoming international students.  I found a bike on there for €20 and messaged the owner to claim it.  Before I met up with Suvi again I met up with this guy.  He was from Ireland, studying sport sciences since January.  I probably could have fallen in love right then and there--knee-weakening Irish accent.  And so I have a bike, its just a little old thing but it is absolutely perfect.  It even has a bell.  I need to raise the seat a little though.  My legs are too long for it. 
            This morning I took off to the city center and campus on my little bike and a biked all around town today discovering and exploring.  My legs are tired.  It isn’t super hilly but just enough that I know the seat needs to be raised so I don’t kill my legs.  Needless to say my legs and butt are sore.  I am not in bicycle shape.
            In my exploration I found that Finland is very bicycle friendly.  The sidewalks are suited for bikes.  The town is pretty.  Lots of apartment buildings and parks.  Jyväskylä is very nature oriented.  There are numerous parks, trails and opportunities to be surrounded by nature only a few steps away from a busy street.  You can be on a busy street in one instant and five minutes later be tromping through grass and fighting mosquitos off nearby the water. 
            After consulting my map many, many times I eventually found the Catholic church.  They were having mass when I found it so I didn’t go inside.  I will find it again later.  I sat on the lake edge for a while to rest from biking and meandered through campus for a while.  After some more map consulting I found my way back to Kortepohja, the student village.  It was about two in the afternoon.  I laid down for a little nap and ended up sleeping until about five.  Being a world traveler is exhausting! 
            After a little meal I met up with Jia, a student from China but is studying in Atlanta, GA.  We went for a little walk that turned into a big hike because I took a road less traveled that took us into the forest.  It was pretty and I enjoyed talking with her but getting lost wasn’t so great.  I was supposed to meet Suvi at 8:30 because she brought a wrench to raise my bike seat but didn’t find our way back to the dorms until 9.  Whoops. 
            I think there is a group of students meeting Suvi, tomorrow morning at 8:30 so she can show us the way to get to campus.  It is 10:20 here and it is still plenty light out.  Glad I have curtains.  I’m going to bed now, still tired even after my KSN.    First day of school tomorrow! How exciting!

Hyvää Yötä
Good Night,

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