Please take a moment of silence for respect of the significant loss suffered today.

Although, I must take into consideration that I did not have it locked I still am in denial that it is completely gone. I love my bike dearly. It is not the shiniest, prettiest, fanciest, fastest bike in the world. It is actually rather shabby. Part of the saddle part is torn off. The tires are slowly but steadily running out of air. There is sporadic rust spots. There are no hand brakes, to stop one must back peddle. I say this in the most endearing way, but my bike was kinda crappy. No matter to the shape of it though, it was still mine and I loved it for all that it was. Naively I left it unlocked because I have survived two weeks without a lock so far with zero problems and because of the shape it is in I didn't think anyone would care to take it. Wrong-o. Yet again, McCall likes to learn things the hard way. Don't leave a bike unlocked in a region that revolves around bikes.
I am still in the denial phase though. A piece of me still believes that tomorrow it will show up. Maybe I just forgot where I left it and I run into it. Or perhaps someone, a really nice someone, saw this beautiful bike and that its tires were low so they took it to air it up and it will returned to its place in the morning. How sweet would that be? St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things, has heard from me this afternoon. My hopes are that he can help me out. In my (now walking) commute to class in the morning I hope to bring some understanding/coping to my lost bike.
All hope is not lost. Stay strong my friends. Either my bike will return to my possession, or a new bike will replace it, or I'll just become a really great walker. Always look on the bright side.
Goodnight and Good Luck,
:( So sorry to hear it was lost!